Logic Building Episode 1 : Generate N digit random number based on input

Problem Statement: Write a function that generates an N digit random number based on the N input.

Input: N=5
Output: XXXXX (N digit random number)
Input: N= 2
Output: XX

Give try yourself, before look at the solution and share your solution in the comment.

package main

import (

// random func will generate a random digit number based on param.
func random(param int) {

chars := []rune("0123456789")
var b strings.Builder
for i := 1; i <= param; i++ {
str := b.String()
i, err := strconv.Atoi(str)

if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error while convert")

// Driver
func main() {
random(5) // N = 5


λ random go run main.go
76929 λ random go run main.go 35246 λ random go run main.go 71719 λ random go run main.go 81434 λ random go run main.go 95233 λ random go run main.go 33170 λ random go run main.go


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