Golang Interview Questions Part 1 Theory Top 50 Question

 Most Frequently asked golang interview Questions 

       ( Based on the real interview experience)

     for Fresher 0-1 year experience.

  1. Why Golang
    --> For its Simplicity, Build in Concurrency Support and Super Scalable.
  2. What is Goroutine
    --> Goroutine is like a thread in java, it's lightweight than a thread useful to achieve concurrency in Go. https://golangbot.com/goroutines/
  3. How to communicate between goroutines?
    --> By Using Channels we can communicate between Goroutines.
  4. What is mutex?
    -- > https://golangbot.com/mutex/
  5. What is synchronization in go
    --> https://golang.org/pkg/sync/
  6. How to achieve concurrency in Go 
    --> By Using Goroutines.
  7. What is Channels in go?
    --> https://golangbot.com/channels/
  8. What are the Types of Channels?
    --> https://golangbyexample.com/channel-golang/
  9. What is Buffered Channel and Unbuffered Channel explain?
    --> https://golangbot.com/channels/
  10. How to avoid deadlock in a goroutine?
    --> https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/golang-deadlock-and-default-case-in-select-statement/
  11. How Goroutines Works?
    --> https://golangbyexample.com/goroutines-golang/
  12. What is a method in Go?
    --> https://medium.com/rungo/anatomy-of-methods-in-go-f552aaa8ac4a
  13. What is the anonymous function?
    --> https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/anonymous-function-in-go-language/
  14. What is the Variadic function?
    --> https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/variadic-functions-in-go/
  15. Explain Slices in Go in detail how they differ from another language?
    --> https://golangbyexample.com/slice-in-golang/
  16. What is Closures in go?
    --> https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/closures-in-golang/
  17. What is an interface in Go?
    --> https://golangbyexample.com/interface-in-golang/
  18. Go is Object-Oriented Langauge?
    --> No
  19. Explain the OOPs concept.
    --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTB0EiLXUC8
  20. How to create a basic server in Go?
    --> https://gobyexample.com/http-servers
  21. What are the basic data structures in Go?
    --> https://medium.com/@victorsteven/understanding-data-structures

  22. What is reflection
    --> https://golangbot.com/reflection/
  23. What is byte [] slice
    --> https://medium.com/@tyler_brewer2/bits-bytes-and-byte-slices-in-go
  24. How to create a Public/Private function in go (Access modifier in Go?)
    --> We use Capital name(First Char Capital) for the function to make it Public and small letter for Private function.
  25. Does go function return multiple values?
    --> Yes, https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/golang-program-that-uses-multiple-return-values/
  26. Difference between concurrency and Parralism?
    --> https://golangbot.com/concurrency/
  27. What is a map in go?
    --> https://medium.com/rungo/the-anatomy-of-maps-in-go-79b82836838b
  28. Difference between new and make?
    --> https://dave.cheney.net/2014/08/17/go-has-both-make-and-new-functions-what-gives
  29. What is Worker Pool and WaitGroup?
    --> https://golangbot.com/buffered-channels-worker-pools/
  30. How map prints data
    --> https://golangbyexample.com/different-ways-iterating-over-map-go/
  31. What is a rune?
    --> https://www.bogotobogo.com/GoLang/GoLang_byte_and_rune.php
  32. How Append function Works?
    --> https://yourbasic.org/golang/append-explained/
  33. What is the REST API?
    --> https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2018/01/understanding-using-rest-api/
  34. What is Middleware?
    --> https://www.redhat.com/en/topics/middleware/what-is-middleware
  35. What is microservices?
    --> https://www.redhat.com/en/topics/microservices/what-are-microservices
  36. How to handle error in go? 
    --> https://medium.com/rungo/error-handling-in-go-f0125de052f0
  37. What is the Defer keyword?
    --> https://golangbot.com/defer/
  38. What is Recover?
    --> https://golangbot.com/panic-and-recover/
  39. Difference between function and method?
    --> https://www.sohamkamani.com/golang/functions-vs-methods/
  40. What is the empty interface?
    --> https://dev.to/flrnd/understanding-the-empty-interface-in-go-4652
  41. What is a struct type?
    --> https://golangbyexample.com/struct-in-golang-complete-guide/
  42. What is Enum in go?
    --> https://blog.learngoprogramming.com/golang-const-type-enums-iota-bc4befd096d3
  43. What is Go Module?
    --> go-modules
  44. How to manage dependency in Go?
    --> https://golangbyexample.com/packages-modules-go-first/
  45. What is Packages in go?
    --> https://medium.com/rungo/everything-you-need-to-know-about-packages-in-go
  46. What is Select in go?
    --> https://golangbyexample.com/select-statement-golang/
  47. What is IOTA?
    --> https://golangbyexample.com/iota-in-golang/
  48. What is panic in go how to handle it?
    --> https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/handling-panics-in-go
  49. Do you know net/http package?
    --> https://codegangsta.gitbooks.io/building-web-apps-with-go/content/http_basics/index.html
  50. What is JSON Encoding and Decoding?
    --> https://yourbasic.org/golang/json-example/

In the next article Part 2 we will see coding interview question.


Thanks for reading, keep Go'ing. 


  1. Recently I was asked about "what is Context" and how we are using it. Maybe it's worth while to put this on the list.

  2. Thank you @slav , noted, will update article along with your question.

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