Interview Questions and Answers 1
Interview Questions and Answers 1
1. Does golang have any interpreter?
Go is a compiled programming language, which means that it does not have an
interpreter. Instead, Go programs are compiled into native machine code that can be
directly executed by the computer's hardware.
The process of compiling a Go program involves translating the source code of the
program into machine code that can be executed by the computer's processor. This
is done using a compiler, which is a specialized program that translates the source
code of a program into machine code.
The Go compiler is called gc , and it is included as part of the Go toolchain. To
compile a Go program, you can use the go build command, which will invoke the Go
compiler to compile the program and generate an executable binary file.
In contrast, interpreted languages such as Python or JavaScript are executed by an
interpreter, which reads and executes the source code of the program at runtime.
Interpreted languages do not need to be compiled, and can be run directly from the
source code.
Overall, the fact that Go is a compiled language allows it to be fast and efficient,
since the compiled code can be directly executed by the hardware without the need
for an interpreter. However, it also means that Go programs need to be compiled
before they can be run, which can add an extra step to the development process.
2.What is vendoring in Go?
In the Go programming language, vendoring refers to the practice of including a
copy of a library or package that your application depends on, within your
application's source code repository.
This allows you to control exactly which version of the dependency is used by your
application, rather than relying on the version of the dependency that might be
installed on the machine where your application is built or deployed.
One of the key benefits of vendoring is that it allows you to ensure that your
application continues to work even if the version of a dependency that you are using
is removed or changes in a way that is incompatible with your application. It also
makes it easier to distribute your application, as all of the required dependencies are
included with the application's source code.
In Go, you can use the go mod vendor command to vendor a copy of your dependencies,
and the GOFLAGS environment variable to specify that your application should use the vendored dependencies rather than looking for dependencies in the global Go environment.
3.What is difference between vendored project and non-vendored project?
A vendored project is a project that includes copies of the libraries or packages that
it depends on, within its own source code repository. This means that all of the
required dependencies are included with the project's source code, and are used to
build and run the project.
In contrast, a non-vendored project relies on dependencies that are installed in the
global environment, rather than being included with the project's source code. This
means that the project expects the dependencies to be available in the environment
where it is built or deployed, and may use different versions of the dependencies
depending on the environment.
One key difference between vendored and non-vendored projects is that a vendored
project is more self-contained, as it includes all of the dependencies that it needs to
run. This can make it easier to distribute and deploy the project, as you don't have to
worry about installing the dependencies separately. However, vendoring can also
make it more difficult to update the dependencies used by the project, as you will
need to manually update the vendored copies of the dependencies rather than
simply installing the latest version of the dependency.
4. Are init function special function , What special about it
In Go, the init function is a special function that is called automatically before the
main function is executed. It is used to perform initialization tasks that need to be
done before the main function is run.
There are a few things that make the init function special:
The init function does not have a return type and does not take any arguments.
The init function is called automatically, without the need to explicitly call it in your code.
The init function is called before the main function, regardless of where it appears in the source code.
You can define multiple init functions in a package, and they will be executed in the order they appear in the source code.
The init function is useful for tasks that need to be done before the main function is run, such as initializing global variables, setting up resources, or performing any other initialization tasks that need to be done before the main function is run.
Here is an example of how the init function can be used:
In this example, the init function initializes the global variable globalVar
The init function is a useful tool for performing initialization tasks that need to be
done before the main function is run. It is especially useful in larger programs where
there may be multiple packages with their own initialization tasks.
5.For what types in golang we can check for nil (zero value to nil)?
In Go, only certain types can be assigned the nil value. These types are pointers,
interfaces, channels, maps, slices, and functions.
Here is an example of how you might check if a variable of each of these types is
equal to nil in Go:
In this example, we define variables of each of the types that can be assigned nil ,
and then we check if they are equal to nil using the == operator. If the variable is
equal to nil , we print a message indicating that the variable is nil .
It is important to note that the zero value for a type is not the same as nil . The zero
value for a type is the default value for that type, which is defined by the language.
For example, the zero value for an int is 0 , the zero value for a string is an empty
string, and the zero value for a bool is false.
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