
Core Technologies to Learn to Become a Backend Developer

Introduction Becoming a backend developer requires a strong foundation in computer science and mastering several core technologies. In this blog, we will explore the essential technologies that every aspiring backend developer should learn. These technologies are crucial for creating efficient, scalable, and secure backend systems. Backend Development Defined Backend development is a specialized area of programming that focuses on creating the underlying logic and server-side software that powers websites and applications. Backend developers are responsible for handling the business logic of an application, including processing user requests, interacting with databases, and controlling the flow of data between the server and the front end of the website or application. The Role of a Backend Developer Backend developers have several key responsibilities, including: Server-Side Logic Backend developers write the code that runs on web servers. This code handles the business logic...

Concurrency examples

 Concurrency examples 1. Go program that uses the sync package's WaitGroup type to wait for a group of goroutines to finish. The main function creates a WaitGroup value and calls its Add method with a value of 5 to specify that it is waiting for 5 goroutines to finish. Then it starts 5 goroutines by calling the Square function in a loop, passing the loop index and a pointer to the WaitGroup value as arguments. The Square function takes an integer no and a pointer to a WaitGroup value as arguments. It calculates the square of no and prints it along with the value of no. After that, it calls the Done method on the WaitGroup value to indicate that it has finished. The defer statement ensures that the Done method is called even if the function panics or returns early. Finally, the main function calls the Wait method on the WaitGroup value to block until all the goroutines have finished. This ensures that the program doesn't exit before all the goroutines have completed their work. ...


 Pointers  In computer programming, a pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. Pointers are used to store the addresses of other variables, which can be used to access and manipulate the value stored in the other variables. They are a powerful tool that can be used to improve the efficiency of a program, but they can also be difficult to use correctly and can lead to bugs if not handled carefully. Pointers can be used to pass variables by reference to functions, allowing the function to modify the value of the variable. They can also be used to dynamically allocate memory at runtime, which can be useful for creating data structures like linked lists and trees. Pointers are used in computer programming for several reasons: Efficiency : Pointers allow you to directly manipulate the memory location of a variable, rather than copying the value of the variable to a new location. This can be more efficient in terms of time and memory usage. Dynamic m...

Functions and Methods

 Function in general  In programming, a function is a block of code that performs a specific task. Functions allow you to organize your code into logical units and reuse them throughout your program. Functions in Golang  In Go, a function is a block of code that performs a specific task and can optionally return a value. Go functions are defined using the func keyword, followed by the function name, a list of parameters, and the function body. Here is an example of a simple function in Go that takes two integers as arguments and returns their sum: Go functions can have multiple return values. For example: In this example, the divmod function takes two integers as arguments and returns their quotient and remainder when one is divided by the other. The function is called with the values 7 and 3, and the returned values are assigned to the variables quotient and remainder. Anonymous function Go also supports anonymous functions, which are functions without a named identifier...


Array Array : collection of the same type with continuous memory. Go’s arrays are values (value type) means whenever you assign an array to a new variable then the copy of the original array is assigned to the new variable. This is also called as deep copy The main issue an array has is that it can not be resized. Arrays do not need to be initialized explicitly; the zero value of an array is a ready-to-use array whose elements are themselves zeroed To overcome this problem we have  Slices in golang. Array example: Slices  Slices are the wrapper over arrays. Slices do not own any data of their own, they are just a reference to the existing array. Slices have length and capacity.  Length is the number of elements present in the slice, Capacity is the number of elements present in the underlying array. New elements can be added to the slice using  append function. // Slices var s [] byte // func make([]T, len, cap) []T // where T stands for the element type o...

Interview Questions and Answers 1

 Interview Questions and Answers 1 1. Does golang have any interpreter? Go is a compiled programming language, which means that it does not have an interpreter. Instead, Go programs are compiled into native machine code that can be directly executed by the computer's hardware. The process of compiling a Go program involves translating the source code of the program into machine code that can be executed by the computer's processor. This is done using a compiler, which is a specialized program that translates the source code of a program into machine code. The Go compiler is called gc , and it is included as part of the Go toolchain. To compile a Go program, you can use the go build command, which will invoke the Go compiler to compile the program and generate an executable binary file. In contrast, interpreted languages such as Python or JavaScript are executed by an interpreter, which reads and executes the source code of the program at runtime. Interpreted languages do not n...


 Channels in golang Channel Channels are used in Go to allow communication between goroutines and to synchronize their execution. Goroutines are lightweight threads of execution that are multiplexed onto a single OS thread, and channels provide a way for goroutines to communicate with each other and coordinate their actions. One of the main benefits of using channels is that they allow you to write concurrent programs that are easy to reason about. By using channels to pass data between goroutines, you can structure your concurrent programs in a way that is easy to understand and debug. In addition, channels provide a way to synchronize the execution of goroutines.  For example, you can use a channel to wait for a goroutine to complete before moving on to the next step in your program. In Go, concurrency is achieved through the use of goroutines and channels. There are several advantages to using channels in Go: Channels provide a way to communicate between goroutines and sync...